European Values

The European Paganini Route aims to share the values of the Council of Europe, in particular human rights and democracy. Established in many European countries, the Route contributes to preserving the cultural heritage linked to the key figure of Niccolò Paganini and also promotes intercultural dialogue. Places linked to his figure work together to promote knowledge of this unique musician and strengthen the idea of a shared European identity through artistic, scientific, tourist, and educational projects.

The EPR supports and collaborates with local communities and authorities both for the monumental heritage that many of them hold (particularly theatres) and for the intangible heritage, revaluing ancient skills and, through these, the territory’s identity.

By sharing methodologies and initiatives, European citizens from different countries participating in the Itinerary rediscover their common European belonging, following in Paganini’s footsteps, revaluing their local heritage and developing it with other members of the Itinerary’s networks, in the process of permanent intercultural dialogue, which sees the active participation not only of local administrations (at various regional levels) but also of the cultural world (through the involvement of bodies managing theatres, museums, interpretation centers, schools of all levels, universities and the tourism sector).

This is in line with Recommendation 929 (1981) adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 8 October 1981, which states that music, in all its forms, is an important means of human expression and is also an accepted part of Europe’s cultural heritage.

The Council of Europe Cultural Routes Programme

It is an initiative promoted by the Council of Europe in 1987, with the aim of enhancing and promoting Europe’s cultural heritage through a series of thematic routes linking several significant cultural destinations across the continent.

Today, there are 47 Cultural Routes recognized by the Council of Europe covering various fields, including art, architecture, history, popular culture, religious traditions, the natural environment, and more.

Cultural Routes projects often involve several countries and local communities, encouraging transnational cooperation and contributing to the promotion of sustainable cultural tourism. These itineraries are also a form of recognition of the importance of Europe’s cultural heritage and its role in building a common identity for Europe.

Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme